Commercial Background Check


All volunteers must complete a background check to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips.


Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page to request a commercial background check. β€‹


​Additionally, All WFE volunteers must watch this video (Spanish) and sign and submit this form (Spanish) to the school. This form is school-based and focuses on ensuring and maintaining student safety and is required only once while at WFE.


Fingerprint Supported Background Check 


​Some chaperone volunteer opportunities require fingerprinting, such as drown proofing chaperones. Any volunteer or chaperone with one-on-one unsupervised/unrestricted access to children must also be fingerprinted.


Fingerprinting costs $63. It is only done one time and is valid until all children have aged out of or the family separates from AACPS. Fingerprint-supported background checks must be scheduled through the Fingerprinting Office at 410-222-5045.


Each applicant requiring a fingerprint-supported background check is provided with a Fingerprint Verification Card. This card should be kept with the applicant while on school grounds and should be displayed to an administrator upon request.


For more information on Fingerprint Supported Background Checks, visit