Dear Windsor Farm Community,
Welcome to another exciting school year! I am thrilled to begin this journey with you as our school’s new PTO President!
This year is a transitional year, and (in the words of Ms. Frizzle) we are getting messy, taking chances - and yes, probably making some mistakes along the way. There are a lot of new things that we will be standing up operationally, but we are also planning some new events, including:
- WFES Goes to the O's, a back-to-school baseball night at Camden Yards on Saturday, September 21 (get tickets here)
- Kids Night Out at WFES in November, a night full of activities just for the kids
- Family Game Night in January with group games, table games, and free fun for the whole family
- A springtime "Color Splash Dash" fun run! This event will be open to the community - get all your friends and neighbors to join in the rainbow-filled fun!
This year, we are fundraising to create an outdoor learning center for the students. We will be running a week-long fundraiser in November to support that effort.
Our success as a PTO relies on the active participation and collaboration of our wonderful families. I encourage each of you to get involved in any way you can, whether it's volunteering at an event, joining a committee, or simply attending our meetings. Your time, talents, and ideas are invaluable to us.
If nothing else, be sure to:
- Download the new AACPS app to get communications from Windsor Farm Elementary
- Register with the PTO so you get our communications about events and activities that are sponsored by the PTO. (The school does not share your information with us, so we need to collect it separately.)
We are committed to keeping open lines of communication. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Together, we can ensure that our school is a place where every child can thrive and succeed.
Thank you for your continued support. Let's make this year the best one yet!
Warm regards,
Becca Liller
PTO President
Windsor Farm Elementary
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